Myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism, as well as the lenses used to correct them, are measured in diopters.
Myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism, as well as the lenses used to correct them, are measured in diopters. A diopter is the power of a lens having a focal length of 1 meter.
In fact, a child with one degree of myopia, who has a 10/10 visual acuity when wearing glasses, sees about 4/10 without them and the objects begin to appear blurry when the objects are located more than 1-1.5 meter away. This kind of vision is perhaps enough to wear glasses selectively, as to see on the board, for movies or when grown enough, while driving.
However, a child with 3 degrees of myopia, is in a much more disadvantaged position by only seeing a 0.5 / 10 without his glasses, which makes their continuous use necessary.