The human’s ability to read and write is the foundation on which human civilization is based. It is very difficult, if not impossible, to meet one of the requirements of modern society, if you are unable to read.
When referring to dyslexia we mean a learning difficulty, in which the person finds it difficult to learn through written or spoken language, with no apparent reason, for example an organic disease.
It is noticed in all cultures with written language, and is not related to mental retardation.
It typically occurs in preschool age and regards the 5-20% of children according to statistics. It is mostly noticed in boys than in girls, although many attribute this phenomenon to the temperament of boys at this age, that makes them more abstract and carelessly.

What causes the dyslexia
A learning deficit can have many causes, such as vision or hearing problems, limited intelligence, or simply raising the child in an environment with very

Vision and reading
By reading, our eyes perform small, involuntary, abrupt movements, which are called saccades. These movements are mainly from left to right and the gaze

Other symptoms of dyslexia
Apart from the difficulty in reading, children with dyslexia show a corresponding difficulty also in writing. Generally, they write very slowly and their

The diagnosis of dyslexia
Diagnosing dyslexia is not an easy process. Due to the definition of the disease, the organic diseases must be excluded. Also, it should be determined

Treating Dyslexia
Although occasionally workarounds have been proposed, none of them seem to be sufficient. It turns out that it’s easier for someone to learn to live with